
♯ 8 Interlude musicale : Ben Watts' playlist.

Découvrez la playlist Ben Watts avec The Zombies

♯ 8 Interview of Ben Watts.

Ecstatic energy

Once, we've been lucky to hear about Ben Watts thanks to a little article in a magazine. Since this moment, we completely fell in love with his work.
If you don't know the man yet, go straight ahead for his Lickshot and let yourself being stuck in a world of energy.
Always working between Los Angeles and New York - when he's not in a marvelous beach to shoot beautiful models - the photographer is a busy guy. Keeping in touch with him was a hard try, but hey, after a kindly chase of emails, we finally got the chance to start a quick interview up.


Ben, could you first tell us what type of cameras you work with ?
I shoot with Canon Mark III's 

What is your favorite photography accessory, other than your camera?
My dewalt boom box

What lighting equipment do you take on a shoot? 
I try to shoot mostly natural available light.

What has been your most memorable shooting and why?
Every time I shoot is memorable...I don't take jobs on that are not important...I'm extremely conscious of that...I travel the world go to amazing places and I have a head full of memorable moments and memories.

The photo you’re the most proud of ?
I take pride in every image I take... It's then up to the eye of the beholder...But I feel proud when someone is excited by my work...I'm proud of the stories told through my journals.

We know that each of us has someone or something, which inspires our life and work. Can you tell us the true basis of your inspiration?
Wanting to do well and succeed in a profession that I'm passionate about.

Is there anything you would have done differently during your photographic career? 
Assisted longer to learn more about light and client management

When you take a picture of a celebrity, what are you trying to get out of him or her? What’s your main goal ?  
Capture the personality and the energy.

Has anybody ever refused to work with you ?
Not that I know of...maybe!

Is there a french celebrity you’d like to shoot ? 
You don't have to be a celebrity for me to want to shoot, I'm interested in character personality and individual style.

How do you set a photo shoot ? Is it all about the image the celebrity has toward the public ? Or do you try to go on the opposite direction ? 
It's all about mood and energy, nothing forced.

How do you act in a photo shoot ? Is there a lot of improvisation or do you control everything ? I have a plan, a starting plan, then I move from there, but always have a plan.

Are you directing the models a lot, do you give a lot of indications? 
I direct a lot.

What kind of relationship do you like to create with your model ? 
One where they feel comfortable and not self conscious.

It’s often said that photo shoots are not the favorite exercise for celebrities, but it seems like there is a lot of joy and pleasure in your photos. Are people always that happy to be there, working with you ? Not always but I try and take...off the shoot and make it painless...and fast.

Color is a very important part of your work right ? We're always attracted to a touch of color, even the most discrete one...
I love bright color...bold color

What is your favorite style of exercise in photography ?
Candid lots of movement 

Let’s talk about your scrapbook ? How did you come up with this project, collecting ten years of photos ? 
I always kept a journal from collage so it was a work in progress.

What's a lickshot ?
It's a salute in Jamaica...When a DJ plays a great song a lickshot may be fired in the air.

Heath Ledger was one of your close friends, was it a tribute to put him on the cover ?
The photo suited the title...He's a great talent sadly lost.

You’re a big fan of music and you said that it is natural for you to take picture of the music underworld and the people in it. Why did you choose a camera instead of a guitar or a microphone ? Ha...I can take pictures, it's my passion and I was lucky enough to make career of it.Music?...I can't sing or play any instruments!

Was it an easy or a hard thing to shoot your own sister (the actress Naomi Watts) ? 
It's been always easy. We get on well and strangely enough it works effortlessly.

There is something fun and young about your work. Always this energy very present... 
I'm an energetic person...sometime too much so.
